Getting a lot done without overdoing things

Joyful learning is stress-free. That’s why we only give homework in subjects where regular practice is important: mathematics, English, Latin and German. These subjects are practised in class during our concentrated study lessons lasting 80 minutes. The class teacher accompanies students, keeping an eye on their progress and providing support where required. Young actors or musicians can develop their talents in our elective course program.

Afternoon sessions are offered from Monday to Thursday. Two afternoons are part of the core program and therefore mandatory. The choice of afternoons is up to the student. One or two afternoon sessions can be added as an option. They are booked for half a year at a time.

The core program includes a recess period and study time in the afternoons. On the other afternoons, elective courses can be taken as an alternative to study time.

The afternoon ends at 4:05 p.m. On Fridays and on days when no afternoon session is booked, the school day ends at 2:05 p.m.

Playing and learning go hand in hand. Students should not miss out on hockey, dodgeball or speedminton. The class’s youth and community worker leads joint games during the recess period, which lasts 40 minutes.

Then study time begins, with exercises in mathematics, English and German (Latin from grade 6 onward) for 20 minutes each. The tasks are set out in our weekly training plan. This enables students to learn to assess their own abilities. And also to check results. The class teacher supports the students. There is no homework to do at home after the study time.

Whether it’s a game of soccer or a walk in the park, students decide for themselves how to relax during their recess hour. After that, during study time, students study silently in class. A teacher ensures a learner-friendly atmosphere.

And if Latin or math is a bit tricky at times, you can book a special subject study time: Up to 10 students discuss homework with a subject teacher and check results.

Students are responsible for organizing their learning themselves. For this purpose, the timetable includes study periods during the school day. Accompanied by a subject teacher, students study in class and prepare for exams.

Depending on their choice of subjects, these senior students attend classes in their chosen subjects in the afternoon. There are no classes in the afternoon on Fridays.

Learn to act, play the saxophone in a band, browse books and write your own poems in the literature workshop, or improve technique and tactics in football: You can discover hidden talents and deepen your passions in our elective courses. They last 80 minutes and can be booked on the third or fourth afternoons as an alternative to study time.


Getting a lot done without overdoing things

Joyful learning is stress-free. That’s why we only give homework in subjects where regular practice is important: mathematics, English, Latin and German. These subjects are practised in class during our concentrated study lessons lasting 80 minutes. The class teacher accompanies students, keeping an eye on their progress and providing support where required. Young actors or musicians can develop their talents in our elective course program.

Afternoon sessions are offered from Monday to Thursday. Two afternoons are part of the core program and therefore mandatory. The choice of afternoons is up to the student. One or two afternoon sessions can be added as an option. They are booked for half a year at a time.

The core program includes a recess period and study time in the afternoons. On the other afternoons, elective courses can be taken as an alternative to study time.

The afternoon ends at 4:05 p.m. On Fridays and on days when no afternoon session is booked, the school day ends at 2:05 p.m.

Playing and learning go hand in hand. Students should not miss out on hockey, dodgeball or speedminton. The class’s youth and community worker leads joint games during the recess period, which lasts 40 minutes.

Then study time begins, with exercises in mathematics, English and German (Latin from grade 6 onward) for 20 minutes each. The tasks are set out in our weekly training plan. This enables students to learn to assess their own abilities. And also to check results. The class teacher supports the students. There is no homework to do at home after the study time.

Whether it’s a game of soccer or a walk in the park, students decide for themselves how to relax during their recess hour. After that, during study time, students study silently in class. A teacher ensures a learner-friendly atmosphere.

And if Latin or math is a bit tricky at times, you can book a special subject study time: Up to 10 students discuss homework with a subject teacher and check results.

Students are responsible for organizing their learning themselves. For this purpose, the timetable includes study periods during the school day. Accompanied by a subject teacher, students study in class and prepare for exams.

Depending on their choice of subjects, these senior students attend classes in their chosen subjects in the afternoon. There are no classes in the afternoon on Fridays.

Learn to act, play the saxophone in a band, browse books and write your own poems in the literature workshop, or improve technique and tactics in football: You can discover hidden talents and deepen your passions in our elective courses. They last 80 minutes and can be booked on the third or fourth afternoons as an alternative to study time.